Saturday, December 3, 2011

Focus on the Family

I started getting the Thriving Family magazine from Focus on the Family in August of this year! I have no idea who may have started this subscription for me, but I love it! Thank you to whomever got this for me! I got the December magazine in the mail yesterday and opened it up today and the first thing I open up to is this little advent calendar book! I am so excited about it because we have been searching for something we can do each day with the girls that would put more focus on Christ's birth and less focus on presents and ourselves this Christmas season. Each day we read two scriptures and then we have a little activity to do with the girls! I can't wait to start this with them.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Razz! If you think of it, you might slip a subscription card in the mail to me? I *think* I'm getting a Kindle for Christmas and I'd love to subscribe...Focus on the Family is such a great organization!
