Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Piano Recital

The girls had their Christmas Piano Recital a couple weekends ago.  As my sweet girls played their beautiful Christmas songs, I was encouraged and amazed at how much they have learned.  My oldest daughter started piano lessons in the First Grade and has been through three teachers in five years.  Her first teacher went off to college and her second teacher taught her one semester and then closed her piano studio. Their current teacher is amazing.  She loves the Lord, is so very patient, and such a sweet young lady. 
My youngest daughter began in First Grade (last year) and loves it!  She is learning so much so fast.  When the girls get discouraged I tell them to keep practicing because right now they are learning fundamentals and soon they will get to play fun songs that they know and enjoy.  My oldest daughter is almost there, she loves to sit and play through her piano book.  My youngest is still tinkering through, although she loved her Christmas Piano Book, because she could play and sing along. Such a sweet sound that brings tears to my eyes!

So very thankful for our amazing piano teacher and her love and patience with my children.

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaay for pretty Christmas music, beautiful girls, and great piano teachers!!!
